Sep 25, 2023 | common cents, Homepage
The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for October is GBAM Food Cupboard (Greater Bay Area Ministerium)! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on...
Sep 13, 2023 | Board of Directors, Co-ops, Coop Board, News
Seeking Nominations for Belfast Community Co-op’s Board of Directors The nomination period is open now through Wednesday, November 15, 2023. Since 1976 the Co-op has been integral in Belfast and Waldo County; serving the community, expanding its outreach,...
Aug 25, 2023 | Renovation
RENOVATION SUMMARY Extra, extra, read all about it! Get your hands on our Renovation Summary in print at our store! This comprehensive publication covers everything you need to know about the project and more. Can’t wait to read it? Check out the digital copy...
Aug 22, 2023 | common cents, Homepage
The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for September is Waldo County Woodshed! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group. What...
Jul 26, 2023 | common cents, Homepage
The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for August is Friends of Sears Island! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group. What...