Your Future Co-op

May 24, 2022 | Co-ops, Homepage, updates

We are so excited to share the Renovation Plans with you!

Find them here:

Final Fixture Plan

Architectural Plans

Exterior Concept

Please send all comments and questions to We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Future Co-op is an informational series of online videos.

The videos below were recorded in May and June of 2022. Doug Johnson, Belfast Community Co-op General Manager, answers questions and explains the history, planning, and preparation of the upcoming renovation!

Your Future Co-op: Vision

This week we kick off our series by sharing the Belfast Co-op’s history and vision of expansion. Learn more about where we have been and the current plan for our future.

Your Future Co-op: Safety

Hear more about our current challenges and how we will address them in the future.

Your Future Co-op: Café

The question on everyone’s mind: will the café come back and what will it look like?
We are excited to share the draft renovation plans with you! Find them here: Belfast Co-op Preliminary Plan 5.0. Draft

Your Future Co-op: Q&A Session With GM, Doug Johnson

Join the Belfast Co-op General Manager, Doug Johnson as owners ask questions about the proposed renovation plans for 123 High Street!

Your Future Co-op: Community

The community has supported us through the years, how can we continue to serve our community?

Your Future Co-op: Financing

Hear about the robust support we have available to us from a variety of reliable lenders.

Your Future Co-op: 10 Years from Now

What does your future Co-op look like? What could your Co-op do for your community?

Your Future Co-op: Q&A Session with GM, Doug Johnson

Join the Belfast Co-op General Manager, Doug Johnson as owners ask questions about the proposed renovation plans for 123 High Street!

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