
Please note: Currently, the Belfast Community Co-op has suspended all educational and outreach activities for the foreseeable future. Questions may be sent to

The Belfast Community Co-op upholds the seven international cooperative principles which are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice. Principle 5 is Education, Training and Information, and throughout its history, the Belfast Community Co-op has hosted regular classes, workshops, and forums with community and vendor partners in order to educate our ownership and the public on topics that align with cooperative values such as local, organic, and nutritious food, farming, health and well-being, and sustainability. These educational events are almost always free to all.  

Currently, the Co-op is offering educational outreach to the community via digital, print, video and other events! Please watch this page and our social media for updates.

We also offer store tours and other unique educational opportunities for local schools and other groups. If you would like to coordinate a field trip, class talk, or store tour, please contact

Education Updates

Currently there are no education updates.

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