Our Community
The Belfast Community Co-op adheres to the seven international cooperative principles, guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice. Principle 7 is Concern for Community, which means that we work for the sustainable development of our region through policies approved by our owners.
The Belfast Community Co-op strives to be an active partner in Belfast, Waldo County and the Midcoast. We recognize that practicing good business citizenship supports the mission of our co-op, raises the overall level of social and economic well-being in our community, strengthens ties within the community and provides a grocery shopping alternative for Belfast.

Nonprofit Organization Tabling
As partners to our larger community, the Belfast Community Co-op provides space for local nonprofits to table outside our store in the warmer months. Decisions about who may use our space to table is made on a case-by-case basis, with a priority on nonprofits involved in community-building, education, and philanthropy.
Nonprofits who are Common Cents participants are encouraged to participate year-round–outdoors in warmer months and inside during the colder months–to educate Co-op customers about their work. Prior approval and scheduling is required for tabline, and a minimum of 72 hours is needed to process your application. Please send all inquires and additional questions about tabling to info@belfast.coop.
About Our Community