Co-op History

Located in the heart of downtown, the Belfast Community Co-op has been serving our area since 1976.

The Belfast Community Co-op Timeline


Welcome Back party with ribbon cutting


Ground is broken on the Renovation Project; thanks to the Co-op community, store stays open for business during construction

Capital Campaign succeeds! $1.5 million in loans raised from Co-op Owners in only three months


Renovation business plan sent to lenders; project is formally approved by Board and loans secured for financing

Rebrand: new name of Belfast Community Co-op, new logo and website


Wage scale is adjusted to a starting wage of $15/hour

Co-op holds first-ever owner drive and gains 100 new owners

Co-op begins new Owner Rewards Points program


Time-specific Owner Appreciation program replaced with year-round Points program


Decision is made to renovate existing building rather than build a new one; Co-op works with NCG on renovation plans

Senior discount program is replaced by an enhanced, need-based CORE discount program open to folks of all ages


“Ready, Set, Grow” Belfast Co-op Owner Forums and Shopper Satisfaction Surveys inform strategies for a possible expansion; work begins with architects and construction group

New online voting system for Annual Elections


After reinvestment in the store and new management policies, sales begin to rebound


Periodically adjusted wage scale is adopted

Owner Forum on Future Development & Planning Board retreat with consultant Bill Gessner


Co-op transitions back to a single GM

Co-op adopts Global Ends Policy


Board of Directors adopts Policy Governance

First Market Study from G2G Research Group

Launch of the Cooperative Ownership Reaching Everyone (CORE) program


A downtrend in sales results in negative sales growth for several quarters


Co-op joins National Co-op Grocers; a nationwide shift makes natural and organic food widely accessible


Addition of a basement walk-in freezer plus upgrades for safety and building code


Installation of a walk-in cooler for dairy and beer and expansion of receiving room


New office spaces built


Co-op installs a Catapult point-of-sale system


Co-op purchases the High Street building and property


Store moves to current location, 123 High Street


Store moves to 67 Lower Main Street (the current Green Store location)


Co-op files articles of incorporation


Buying club moves into a storefront with the name Belfast Co-op Store, 16 Upper Main Street

Like many other food co-ops, the Belfast Community Co-op sprouted out of a grassroots effort by 70’s-era back-to-the-landers seeking access to good food at a fair price.

A natural foods buying club in Liberty-Montville,  called the Friends Co-op in Liberty-Montville realized after three years of operation that there was enough interest to open a brick-and-mortar store in downtown Belfast.

In 1976, the Belfast Co-op opened its first storefront at 16 Upper Main Street, with an old wood floor, a sizable parlor stove and the motto “all are welcome.” The loosely-run  800-square-foot shop focused on providing good food for the community more than making money, and monthly meetings took place in people’s homes and always included potluck suppers. served both member-owners and non-members.

Growing Beyond Expectations

The store ran in the black, attracting new member-owners daily even with only one register, an oversized bulletin board, very little produce, three full-time staff and many great volunteers. There were patchy board minutes taken, occasional committee meetings, and no term limits..

As the Belfast area and the natural foods industry grew, so did our storefront enterprise. Busting at the seams with products and shoppers–and with sales climbing into the hundreds of thousands–we voted in 1985 to move to our second location, a 2,500 sf space at 67 Lower Main Street. On a Sunday in August, the Co-op literally rolled down Main Street to its new, sunnier location. Like its predecessor, the Lower Main Street store had a wood stove, old wood floors, member work requirements, good inexpensive food, Crosby the Cat (where he slept overnight in the hardware store window next door), and a friendly staff.

There was now space for produce coolers, two new registers, a few coffee makers, a play area under the stairs and a daily crockpot of soup.  After a short while, it became obvious that it was necessary to buy a computer to keep up with the growing sales and requisite paperwork. We continued to run in the black.

By 1990 we began considering another move. In 1993, after much debate and committee work, we voted to move to the current location at 123 High Street, the site of the former Belfast A & P. Renovations began in the late spring and we opened in November, now with a deli, cafe and customer bathrooms. Further updates in the early 2000s brought a walk-in cooler and freezer and safety updates.

In 2012, the Co-op joined National Co+op Grocers (NCG), the same year a nationwide shift resulted in newly widespread availability of natural and organic foods. This year marked a downtrend in sales, resulting in negative sales growth for several quarters. Other changes during this period included adoption of policy governance by the Board and the establishment of the Cooperative Ownership Reaching Everyone (the CORE program) to better provide economic support and food access to Co-op owners. In July 2015, the Co-op transitioned from a three-person general management team to a single GM, and hired GM Doug Johnson.

The years 2016 and 2017 marked a period of reinvestment which included product resets, new shelving with wider aisles, safety updates and margin management. The Co-op Basics program was launched, and the Co-op began to see sales rebound.

It’s important to note that while co-ops have long been synonymous with “natural food stores”, the increase in availability of natural and organic foods means that what currently distinguishes co-ops from other grocery stores is as much about providing healthy, nutritious, affordable food as it is about providing an alternative business and economic model that emphasizes shopping small and keeping money local. One of the Co-op’s proudest moments came in October 2021, when it reached its goal of providing all its workers with a living wage (based on MIT’s  calculations).

In 2022, the Co-op engaged in a rebranding effort with local brand agency Pica. Our updated name, the Belfast Community Co-op, helps people understand that everyone is welcome to shop here. To complement our updated name, our updated logo and design includes a “heart-apple” to signal how the Co-op unites food and love, and a new way to describe who we are: Owned by you. Food for all.

The rebrand was one of many efforts to improve our co-op and bring it up to date. The launch of the rebrand supported the next project, a major facility renovation plan and capital campaign to address vital retail, safety and structural updates. The Board approved the project in July 2022, and launched a successful capital campaign in January 2023, raising $1.5M in owner loans and donations over a three month period. Construction began in May 2023 with the Co-op staying open for business throughout the process. Improvements included revamping the much-loved café with updated equipment, an enhanced menu, and improved seating, all while retaining the natural light and materials that patrons adore; continuing the “Shop For Me” program; increasing retail space and the bulk section; and investing in infrastructure that makes the facility safer for all. A celebratory Welcome Back party was held in summer 2024, and the end of that year saw some of our highest sales days in our entire history.

In early 2025, the Co-op is proud to boast over 5000 owners, including more than 500 new owners in the past year alone, and $11M in sales.

Please check back on this website, our e-newsletters, the Co-op’s social media accounts and our Rootstock newsletters for updates on the progress of our future plans and projects.

Everyone is welcome to join the Co-op.

start the process online or visit us in the store!

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