Board of Directors

Meeting Notice

The Board meets at least monthly, generally on the fourth Wednesday from 6:00-8:30 PM. Meetings are open to Co-op owners, with specific time reserved for owner comments. To view monthly meeting information or to register to attend by Zoom teleconference, use the links below.

The Belfast Community Co-op’s board of directors are Co-op owners directly elected by Co-op owners. The Co-op’s ownership has a legal responsibility to ensure our well-being, and the Board represents and acts for the Co-op’s owners, whose votes imply trust that the Board is representing their interests.


To view board member bios, click on the photos below.

If you have questions, please email the Board at

Board Resources

Contact the Board

Contact the Board


Board’s Role

The BOD has fiduciary responsibility for the Co-op and is directly accountable to the owners. The BOD’s essential role is to set and monitor policies that guide the Co-op’s management and to ensure that all decisions are ethical and in accordance with the Co-op’s Bylaws and Ends, and with Cooperative Principles and Values. The Board governs the organization and delegates all operational duties to the General Manager. The Board is involved in:
  • Strategic planning
  • Financial and legal oversight
  • Member-owner linkage
  • Community Outreach
The Board of Directors does not make decisions regarding the operation of the Belfast Co-op store. The Board’s sole official connection to the operations of the Co-op is through the General Manager.

Meetings and Events

  • Board Meetings. The Board meets once a month, usually on the 4th Wednesday of the month, from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. One to two hours of reading is required to prepare for each meeting, generally in a combination of emails and a board packet provided prior to the meeting.
  • Committee Meetings. The Board has three (3) standing committees: Finance, Owner Engagement, and Board Development. Directors must serve on at least one committee. Committees generally meet once a month.
  • Annual Retreat. A one-day training retreat is held each year after the election. Directors are expected to attend.
  • Training Events. Directors are supported to attend co-op national and regional conferences and educational workshops throughout the year.

The Belfast Co-op’s Board of Directors consists of 9-13 members elected by the owners. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for the Co-op and is directly accountable to the owners. It ensures that all business is conducted legally, prudently, ethically, and in accordance with the Co-op’s bylaws and ends, and with cooperative principles. The Board carries out its responsibilities by establishing broad policy guidelines and by monitoring the General Manager’s adherence to these guidelines.

Board Responsibilities and Commitments:

  • Interacting with owners to understand their needs, values, and visions for the Co-op
  • Developing, monitoring, and revising a body of policies to guide the Board and General Manager to achieve outcomes that are consistent with our owner’s values and vision.
  • Hiring, evaluating, and working effectively with the General Manager.
  • Attend all Board and appropriate Committee meetings and arrive prepared to contribute to discussions and decision-making, including carefully reading the board packet in advance of every monthly meeting. Devote the time needed to do this work well, approximately 10-15 hours/month for meetings, emails, ongoing training, preparation, and other activities.
  • Monitor the Co-op’s financial status and plan to position the Co-op for ongoing success.
  • Planning for the Co-op’s future, recruiting new board members, and setting long-range goals.
  • Keep informed of cooperative/democratic organizations and learn about natural foods industry trends through trainings and other educational opportunities.
  • Adhere to the Board’s Code of Conduct, policy C5 – Code of Conduct of the Policy Register.  

Board members are elected to one to three year terms and approximately one-third of the Board is up for election each year during a period that includes the Annual Meeting. 

Policy Governance

The Belfast Co-op Board operates using a Policy Governance model which sets up guidelines, called policies,  within which the General Manager and the Board maintain accountability for operational performance and provide visionary leadership towards our shared mission. These policies are the primary way the Board conveys its expectations and the policies are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. The General Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the store, and the Board determines the purpose, vision, and goals for the organization’s future based on Owner input. Policy Governance more clearly defines and focuses Board work on long-range policy decisions and not operational responsibilities. This system of governance requires attention, training, and practice.

Modified Consensus Decision Making

The Board uses modified consensus decision-making in its meetings. This process considers the input from all directors and aims to develop as much agreement as possible while respecting dissenting opinions. This helps generate a cooperative, collaborative group atmosphere to foster greater group cohesion and interpersonal connection. If consensus cannot be reached, the Board uses a supermajority of two-thirds to break any impasse on important or time-sensitive issues. Once the Board makes a decision, all directors must support that decision.

Requirements to Serve

Bylaw Requirements for Director Candidates:

  • A candidate must be a member-owner in good standing (up-to-date on annual equity payments).
  • Members of the management team of the Co-op (the General Manager and those reporting directly to the General Manager) are NOT eligible to be a director.
  • Excellent communication skills including the ability to listen actively, and speak honestly and openly in group discussion, while also being able to abide by decisions arrived at by the Board
  • Ability to work closely with other Board Members as a cohesive team, make decisions by consensus, delegate authority, and empower others
  • A vision and commitment to make decisions for the long-term success of the Co-op
  • Ability to synthesize complex information and share an understanding of this information
  • Comfortable talking and working with owners and other groups 
  • Commitment to making Board work and responsibilities a priority
  • Experience serving on a board of directors or other organizational committees
  • Background in business or community outreach
  • Experience with cooperatives, and their values and principles
  • Ability to read financial reports (or commitment to learning how to do so)
    Benefits of Board Service
    • Opportunity to provide meaningful service to the local community and economy
    • Leadership, professional and personal development opportunities
    • A small monthly stipend of $40 in the form of a Co-op gift card
    • Opportunity to work with a committed, principled, capable, and fun group of people

    Board Meetings

    The Board meets at least monthly, generally on the fourth Wednesday from 6:00-8:30 PM. Meetings are open to Co-op owners, with specific time reserved for owner comments. Additional committee meetings happen throughout the month.

    You can join the Board for their monthly meetings in-person in the Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library or virtually through Zoom teleconference.

    Board meeting agendas are posted on the Co-op bulletin board and website one week prior to each scheduled meeting. Approved minutes of Board meetings are available on the website the week following the subsequent monthly meeting. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the Board, or by petition submitted by at least 10% of Co-op owners.

    What Makes
    a Co-op, a Co-op?

    Definition: A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.

    Values: Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others. 


    1. Voluntary and Open Membership
    2. Democratic Member Control
    3. Member Economic Participation
    4. Autonomy and Independence
    5. Education, Training, and Information
    6. Cooperation among Cooperatives
    7. Concern for Community

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