Restorative Justice Project Maine | Common Cents October 2022

Sep 28, 2022 | common cents, Homepage

The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for October is Restorative Justice Project Maine! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

What is Restorative Justice Project Maine (RJP Maine)?

Formed in February 2005, The Restorative Justice Project Maine provides restorative conferences for adult and juvenile offenders in Knox, Waldo, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties and an array of restorative justice services for the Maine Coast Regional Reentry Center and for K-12 schools. The focus on offender accountability, coupled with a focus on the impact of the offense on the victim and community, has significantly decreased recidivism, healed the harm done to victims, and transformed lives with understanding and meaningful community connections.

100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

For more information visit:
FB: restorativejusticeprojectmaine

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