The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for November is the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

What is Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program?

The mission of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program is to offer dignity and empowerment by providing all members of our community with access to healthy food regardless of race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. In their ongoing pursuit to end hunger in mid-coast Maine, they now operate nine different programs and serve residents of six counties- including Waldo county.

100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

For more information visit:

FB: MidCoastHungerPreventionProgram

IG: midcoasthungerpreventionpr

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