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Belfast Community Co-op

As We Present

A Conversation with Author Jon Steinman on

Thursday, June 6th at 5:30 PM

in the Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library

or via ZOOM


Supply chain disruptions. Food inflation. Grocery stores have been thrust onto center stage in recent years. More of us have come to recognize just how important these institutions are, including their influence on human health, the planet, and the future of food.

Enter the community-owned grocery store. With their more durable and transparent model of grocery store ownership and governance, food co-ops are designed for these times.

Canadian author Jon Steinman shares insights on the future of grocery stores and the food supply chain, and he shares stories of the inspiring food co-op renaissance currently taking place across the U.S.

Expect a provocative and inspirational experience. The talk will be followed by a community dialogue about the food co-op future. Jon will introduce and facilitate his ‘Cooperative Dialogue’ — an approach to group communication that he’s developed for cooperatives. 

JON STEINMAN is the Author of Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants (New Society Publishers). Jon has visited over 160 food co-ops across the USA and Canada. In partnership with the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI), Jon published THIS COULD BE OURS – a PHOTO ALBUM to inspire your food co-op dream and he’s the publisher of the Food Co-op Finder mobile app. Jon regularly delivers educational sessions to food co-op boards and staff and is a frequent keynote speaker at food co-op annual meetings. Before writing his book, Jon was an elected director and Board President of the Kootenay Co-op in Nelson, British Columbia – Canada’s largest food co-op specializing in natural foods, and was the writer and host of the radio series, podcast, and television show, Deconstructing Dinner. Jon is an Accredited Professional Dialogue Practitioner and the founder of Cooperative Dialogue.

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