The Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents group for March is the Friends of the Belfast Free Library!  Every shopper may ’round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

The Friends of the Belfast Free Library are volunteers who value and care about the Library and seek to enhance and maximize the library’s role in our community. 

The Friends of the Belfast Free Library is a not-for-profit organization that is self-supporting; it holds meetings governed by by-laws, elects officers and maintains their own financial records.  The Friends raise money to fund programs, materials and equipment that help the library staff better meet Belfast’s need for quality library service.  Membership in the Friends is open to anyone interested in supporting the Belfast Free Library.  You can join by completing a membership form available at the Circulation Desk when you next visit the library.

For current guidelines on using the library:

Find out more at


100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

Read more about Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents program here

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