The Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents group for June is the Ecology Learning Center!  Every shopper may ’round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

The Ecology Learning Center is a publicly funded charter high school in Unity, Maine. 

Our mission is to deeply root students in Maine’s ecological & cultural landscapes, foster authentic real-world learning through mentorship & craft, and cultivate compassionate and resilient leaders prepared to engage in the challenges of today & tomorrow. We welcome and celebrate students of all skills and backgrounds.

The Center also offers a homeschool enrichment program and community workshops. We are a hub for collaboration, mentorship and earth craft in Waldo County.

Support local farms and healthy eating. Help us grow our Farm-to-Cafeteria Culinary Arts program.  

For more information:

Or contact Lēza Packard at

100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

Read more about Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents program here

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