The Belfast Community Co-op’s Common Cents group for October is Coastal Mountains Land Trust! Every shopper may ‘round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go to each month’s group.

What is Coastal Mountains Land Trust?

Coastal Mountains Land Trust’s mission is to permanently conserve land for the benefit
of the natural and human communities of the western Penobscot Bay region.

All funds raised from the Belfast Community Co-op Common Cents program will support the Land Trust’s work in Waldo County as part of the Waldo County Conservation Initiative – supporting conservation and trail projects that benefit the climate, wildlife, sustainable recreation, and outdoor learning. Projects this year include:

  • 3 conservation projects will protect approximately 500 total acres in Monroe, Prospect, and Swanville that include wetlands, forests, and opportunities for trails and water access.
  • An outdoor classroom project at Belfast Area Children’s Center in Waldo. Project components include a stroller-accessible trail, pavilion upgrades, an observation deck for aquatic studies, dock upgrades, an outdoor bathroom facility, story/nature trail signage, and nature-based education materials including warm clothing for students and teachers.
  • Preserve and trail improvements at the Head of Tide Preserve (Belfast), Waldo Pound Preserve (Waldo), and Meadow Brook Preserve (Swanville).

Find Out More:

100% of all donations received through Common Cents go to each month’s group.

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