Owner loans and donations have exceeded the original goal of $1.5 million! The final numbers are still to be determined as we wait for loans and donations to arrive by mail. Checks are coming in every day.

This is clearly a stunning result, thank you so much for your participation! Our lenders and donors are the best part of a fantastic story that is being talked about in co-ops around the country.

Current and future generations of owners and shoppers will have a better experience with our Co-op because of the generosity of our lenders and donors.

Everyone who participated, including those who continue to shop during the renovation, should feel a sense of accomplishment on behalf of our community, our downtown businesses, better access to quality groceries, good jobs, and all of our cooperative values.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this effort at every level! You are contributing to the overall health and well-being of the local food economy for years to come.

-The Capital Campaign Team

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