Our Board of Directors (BOD) is seeking nominees to fill three seats that are opening this election cycle.  Please consider joining us in our commitment to the Co-op’s mission, values, and ends.

The Belfast Co-op is governed by a Board of Directors elected by Co-op owners to serve those owners. The BODs’ essential role is to set and monitor policy that guides Co-op management.

The BOD has legal responsibility for the Co-op and is directly accountable to the owners to ensure that all business is conducted legally, prudently, ethically, and in accordance with the Cooperative Principles, our Mission and Ends statements, and Bylaws.

Director nominees should have organizational, communication and/or group process skills. Also helpful is experience in Policy Governance and facilitating meetings in a cooperative manner, utilizing modified consensus decision making. A nominee should have the ability and willingness to make a time commitment of 5-9 hours per month.

A nominee will need to have been a Co-op owner for a least six months as of January 1, 2018, the start of the nomination period. The nomination period will close Sunday, February 18 with the election commencing at the Annual Meeting, March 18 and concluding April 8 or extending, if necessary, to reach a vote quorum of 10% of the total membership.

*Nomination application packets are available at Customer Service in the Co-op and by clicking HERE.

For additional information about director responsibilities or general inquiries the Belfast Co-op Nominations Committee can be contacted at boardelections@belfast.coop

Thank you to all with an interest in serving the Belfast Co-op!

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