The Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents group for April is Belfast Area Children’s Center! Every shopper may ’round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient. 100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to each month’s group.

What is Belfast Area Children’s Center?

Belfast Area Children’s Center was established in 1973 to provide affordable quality children care to children of working parents and for children in special circumstances such as state protection and children with special needs. BACCS includes two centers-Belfast Area Children’s Center in Waldo and Starrett Children’s Center in Belfast.

BACCS is committed to and encourages the enrollment of children from all racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds and children with all manner of special needs and special circumstances. They believe in the ideals of family-centered care and value the home culture and encourage the active involvement of all families and family members, both traditional and nontraditional.

BACCS offers dynamic programming where children engage their senses, bodies, minds, and spirits. Natural curiosity is nurtured in arts-rich environments complemented with multifaceted opportunities for investigating the natural world.

Donations will be used to support their non-profit child care facilities. The funds will enable them to continue to provide high-quality early
care and education activities to children within their care. It will help support them in continuing to expand and grow their vegetable gardens and greenhouse; as well as allow them to buy more child-sized gardening tools, so that the children can continue to be an integral part of their outdoor curriculum and exploration.

For more information:

FB: Belfast Area Children’s Center

Read more about Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents program here!

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