The Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents group for June 2020 is Avian Haven.  Every shopper may ’round-up’ their purchases at the Co-op to donate to our monthly recipient.

Avian Haven Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center’s mission is:

The return of injured and Orphaned Birds of all Species to their Natural Roles in the Wild

How they’ve adjusted their current operations:

“We are very mindful of the COVID situation but have maintained operations with some modifications.  People delivering injured or orphaned birds no longer come inside the building – the exchange is made outdoors.  We have started to re-introduce our volunteers after a couple months of employees on reduced schedules.  We wipe down frequently-touched surfaces at least daily, and staff members wear masks during any procedures requiring them to be in close proximity to one another.  Despite the human health concerns, it seems to still be business as usual in the bird world – and they still need our help!”

Located in Freedom, ME.  Contact: 207-382-6761 or see their website

100% of all donations received through Common Cents go on to the groups.

Read more about Belfast Co-op’s Common Cents program here

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