From our Co-op’s General Manager:

These are uncertain times. Uncertainty by nature breeds a certain level of fear, but I am confident that with preparation and discipline we will make it through this outbreak successfully. We are a strong co-op in a strong community and we need to be looking out for each other. If you are starting to notice symptoms such as fever, coughing, or shortness of breath, or if you know that you have come in contact with someone who is infected please take precautions and quarantine yourself and family. This is an evolving problem and we will do our due diligence to stay ahead of the developments and keep you informed and to keep the store safe. In the meantime, I would encourage you to monitor the CDC site for the latest updates:

Amidst the uncertainty, we know there are concerns for our workers about wages lost either due to changes in operations or to folks needing to take time off due to personal illness or other factors. This is a national conversation, one that governmental bodies are taking up along with employers. Things are still developing on that front, but for now, we are committed to:

  • working with folks to find tasks to fill hours lost due to operational changes
  • temporarily (TBD) covering wages lost due to pandemic-related call-outs

Thank you all for your courage and dedication in the face of this crisis. Please reach out if you have questions or concerns that are not addressed elsewhere to We will do our best to address concerns as they come and we are closely watching the situation as it develops. We are taking all possibilities and actions into consideration and are consulting with national groups and consultants. We will be updating this webpage with developments and adjustments as they are decided or implemented.

I had an unexpected revelation in the midst of one of our busiest periods this past week: This is why the Co-op is here. At a time when our friends and neighbors are understandably scared and anxious, they are looking to their Co-op to meet their needs and to bring some sense of order to the chaos. It’s more than toilet paper and canned beans, it’s sustenance, it’s survival, it’s health and well-being. Thank you all for your continued support and together we will get through this crisis.


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